Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Me and daddy.... Two peas in a pod

Sophia Grace, day two of life!! She is really taking a liking to this world!! She has a wonderful disposition and is adjusting well. Mommy and Daddy are also adjusting well to being new parents!!! We are having such a wonderful time with her!! We have been blessed by many guests and visitors while in the hospital. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement! Also, thank you to all of you that have sent emails -- we love hearing from you!!

Sophia taking a snooze on the Boppy after eating...

Sophia snoozin' on daddy after her morning feeding ....

Sophia and daddy ... She is snoozin' again...

We have been so blessed over the past two nights... we got 6 hours of sleep total the first night here at the hospital and over 7 hours last night. We are attributing her excellent sleeping pattern to the "Miracle Blanket" swaddler that we were given prior to her birth!! (Thanks Justin and Kristel). She is staying in the room with us at all times and has never been seperated to go to the nursery! They bring the nursery equipment, scales, etc to us! We are stuck to her like glue!!!

We will be heading home today in the early part of the afternoon!! We are planning on attending a wild New Year's Eve Party in Avon. It will probably consist of laughin', sleepin', eatin', sleepin', eatin'..... AND lots of rockin'! She might even meet Dick Clark tonight!!

Allyson and Sophia

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