We had a fun tummy time today with Toby (that is TobyMac!) She had excellent neck control and strength! The camera picks up the music -- so make sure your volume isn't up too high!
Other updates:
- We went our breastfeeding group yesterday and Sophia gained another pound last week! She is currently at 11 lbs 12 oz! Yipee!! We have decided that I need to stay on the Reglan while I am nursing her to minimize supplemental feedings and increase her weight. When I go off the Reglan, my milk supply decreases a lot. (For those of you pharmtards, one of Reglan's side effects is an increased prolactin level thus its off-label use in lactation).
First full week of Reglan - gained 1 FULL pound (9lbs 9oz to 10lbs 9 oz)
Next week off Reglan -- gained only 3 oz (Tear... only up to 10 lbs 12 oz)
Restarted Reglan -- gained another FULL pound (10 lbs 12 oz to 11 lbs 12 oz)
- My mom measured her last week and she is over 24 inches long!! YIPEE!! She is busting out of some of her 3 month outfits in the length! She still has TONS of room left in the belly though -- go figure!!
- Cloth diapering is going WONDERFULLY! I think that everyone should do it!! Saves tons of dinero and helps the earth! It rocks and isn't near as hard or messy as most people think! Her little bottom looks so good too -- not one rash EVER! We have found what works best for us! Her daddy is also a PRO at getting the CD on without leaks!!
- She is consistently taking morning and afternoon naps. Now that we have gotten this routine down, I have realized that I have to really PROTECT her nap times. I have to stop running all around town during the day and just do little short trips here and there! The bummer is this cuts down on my social time out, but I would much rather have a happy, well-rested child!!!
- Sophia is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her new best friend, Laurel Elaine Powell -- Laurel will be here before we know it! Even though we are so excited for her to come, we want her to bake a little longer!!
- We continue to cycle in our night sleeping. She will sleep many nights in a row of long stretches (6-8+ hours), but then cycle back to 3-4 hour stretches! It is so hard and frustrating for me!! I go to bed not knowing how much unbroken sleep I will get! I will be very anxious for her to start doing 8+ hours consistently! I know I will feel much better!!
- Nate and I are still planning on running/walking in the Mini. I have barely been able to train, we are going to run/walk the 13.1 miles. I sure hope I feel better than last year! If you remember, I was 5 weeks pregnant and my nausea kicked in 2 days before the race! My dear friend Apryl ran/walked the race with me! Thank heavens I survived (and so did Sophia!) without puking my guts out!! Although many times I thought I was going to lose it!!
Well, I think those are all the updates from our family!! Hope you enjoyed the video!! Check out Toby's CD Portable Sounds! It rocks -- literally!
Allyson and Sophia
Many of you, my readers, might remember Joshua. He is the little baby that
I helped to deliver whose mom was addicted to drugs, HIV positive, and very
5 years ago
I didn't realize you ended up starting Reglan. I'm glad it's working so well for you. Hope we can get together again sometime soon.
Love the updates! She is just darling! Kudos to you for leaving so early in the morning! I'm glad you guys made it there and back safely :)
What a CUTIE! We would love to see her up at your old work! Dr. Pollom really wants to see her! I klnow you will bring her when you have time.
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