Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Praise God!

I am THRILLED to write this post and share the INCREDIBLE news with all my faithful blog followers!!  Jackson was discharged from Physical Therapy today!  2 weeks ago he started walking on his own, in small bits, and NOW he is walking alone about 60-75% of the time (depends on the day and his mood!)!  Isn't what incredible?  It only took us 16 months and 1 days, but we FINALLY arrived!!  I am so thankful for our physical therapist Karen!  She was truly a blessing and worked with Jackson in incredible ways!  I loved getting the chance to get to know her better and hope to keep in touch!

Thank you for your prayers throughout the past months!!  First Steps is an incredible program despite its crazy paperwork and time tables to get enrolled!  We are thankful the State of Indiana provides this incredible service for children and their families!

Our boy is growing up!!!

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