Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Swiss Chard...

This week in the news….

Well folks, we have made it to 37 weeks!! Hip Hip Hooray!!

Who knew by “official terminology”, they consider the baby full term at 37 weeks. That is news to this prego-mama!! I still think I want her in there baking 1 more week for full lung development and surfactant!

We go see the doctor this week on Thursday, so hopefully we will have more updates/progress by then!! Last night I could have sworn that I was “dropping” b/c of the intense pressure in my pelvic region all evening! I was so excited despite the intense groin-sciatica pains. However, when I got up this morning, I feel like I look the same as I did yesterday morning!! So sad!!

The weekly update tells me that Peanut’s growth has slowed down dramatically this week which should be good news to me and my birth canal. Interesting way to think about it huh??

So, I ask, if they consider her full-term at 37 weeks, what in the world is she still doing inside of me!!! I am ready to hit the ejection button soon!!! The updates tell me that she is working on her breathing, sucking, sleeping, gazing and peeing abilities. Nice, real nice people. Can’t we come up with something better than that?

She should be b/w 19-20 inches long and 6 ½ lbs. One of the weekly updates says that she is head to heal similar to a stalk of Swiss chard. What is a swiss chard???

Well, I had to google this one b/c I didn’t know…. “Swiss chard is a vegetable that is often overlooked. It is worth a try, however. Colorful and tasty, Swiss chard is full of nutritional goodness. Swiss chard is related to the beet, and comes in a variety of colors. The leafy portion is always a nice green, while the stalk can be white, bright yellow, or a Christmas red. If you are growing your own, or buy it from a farmer's market, it is not unusual to see all three colors packaged together as 'Rainbow Chard'. A very colorful salad or vegetable dish can be made using all three colors together. The edible portion is the leaf and stalk. The stalk needs to cook longer than the leaf, so it can be treated as two separate vegetables. The younger, sweeter leaves can be put raw in salads, providing color, nutrition, and a spinach-like taste. Larger leaves can be chopped and cooked. The leafy portions cook quickly like spinach; the stalks should be chopped into bite-size pieces and can be sautéed or steamed for a longer period of time than the leaves.”

Don’t you feel like you learned something today????

Sorry for the most boring post EVER!!! I know, these email updates are getting LAME!!!

More news later this week….

Allyson and Peanut

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